Thursday, June 21, 2007

Chew on This

Here are some questions I was thinking about for our podcast tomorrow...If you have any suggestions please let me know...otherwise just look over it. See you at 11:30!

1. Does it bother you how much effort companies put into influencing children? What did you think about the seven nags (p. 50)? Can we use any of these strategies in the classroom? (Examples: School mascots, prizes for good behavior, digital stories to entertain…)

2. We are encouraged to celebrate diversity – what message are we sending other countries by supporting fast food companies that try to make everything the same everywhere? What have we lost? What did you think about the situations dealing with the Eskimos, the ranchers, and children?

3. What bothered you the most: the treatment of meatpacking workers, animal abuse, slaughter house scenes, or how unsafe so much fast food is? Why did this bother you more than the others?

4. McDonald’s is known for making statements that it should not be held responsible for customers’ obesity. Many people are pushing for legislation that will dictate what McDonald’s can serve. Who is to blame? Who is should be responsible for keeping people healthy?

5. What do you think about gastric-bypass surgery? Do you think it should be done on children? Do you think it is worth the risk? Is it a possible solution to the obesity epidemic?

1 comment:

Ms. Davis said...

They're all good - question 3, especially. I was thinking about that myself while reading the labels on the organic food in the Kroger tonight. It was all couched in terms of "hormone free" and such things which didn't necessarily even relate to animal welfare (cows could still be treated awfully depsite being hormone-free), and none of it comments on workers' lives at all. The only product I can think of that does that is fairtrade coffee/tea/chocolate.